Реализуем на экспорт Соду кальцинированнуюмарок А и Б ГОСТ 5100-85 (производство ПАО «БСК» г. Стерлитамак) Мешки ПП по 25 кг. Или МКР 600-800 кг. Минимальный заказ 20 тонн Calcined soda GOST 5100-85 (Soda ash technical grade) Application Soda ash grades A and B is used in the production of all types of glass, including: crystal, optical and medical glass, glass-block structure, foam glass, soluble sodium silicate, ceramic tiles, frits component for glazes, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy:for the production of lead, zinc, tungsten, strontium, chromium for desulphurisation and phosphorus removal from cast iron, in gas cleaning, for neutralization of media. Soda ash grade B is used in chemical industry for the produc- tion of synthetic detergents, fatty acids, brine purificationin the production of phosphorus, chromium, barium, sodium salts of carbonate as a raw material in the production of glycerols, allyl alcohol, pulp and paper, aniline and paint and oil industries, as well as a reagent for treatment of drinking water. Transportation Soda ash is transported in bulk in specialized vehicles for soda transportation hopper cars. It is packed in special soft containers transported by rail in open cars and in roofed cars. Soda ash packed in bags is transported by any means of transportation protected from moisture. Packing 25 PP bags, 600-800 kg big-bags MOQ- 20 MT
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